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Be responsible to yourself and your loved ones

Insurance with a cash loan

  • Ensure regular installment settlement

  • No worries about loan repayments

  • Additional security for the family

Insurance of cash loans and loans for refinancing

Cash loan insurance is a service we offer as protection against unexpected events that may affect your ability to repay the loan.

It is a very useful option for you who want to protect your finances and provide additional security for your family.

Insurance conditions

Ensure orderly repayment of your loan by contracting an individual policy with an insurance company. If you are employed, with cash loans and refinancing loans you are insured against the following risks:

Job loss

6 installments per one insured case, maximum 3 insured cases.

Accidental death

Important to know: Monthly payment of the insurance premium through a standing order, throughout the duration of the loan, without going to the showroom.

The insurance premium is reduced in accordance with the loan repayment plan.

Temporary incapacity for work

6 installments per one insured case, maximum 3 insured cases.




Important for you to know

  • The insurance policy is bound in favor of the Bank.
  • The insurance does not cover loans granted to self-employed persons, business owners, and their family members.



What does loan default insurance mean?

Insurance against job loss, temporary disability and death due to an accident

What all loans can I cover with this type of insurance (insurance against the inability to repay the loan)?

Cash loan, loan for refinancing.

Is there a difference in the loan interest rate if I take out insurance?

The offer of cash loans and loans for refinancing with insurance is more favorable. 

How do I pay the insurance premium monthly, annually?

Monthly, via standing order.

Do I pay the insurance premium until the loan is paid off?

Yes, the duration of the insurance is aligned with the loan repayment period.

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