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Short Term Loan in EUR




UniCredit Bank has a right solution for you, Short Term Loan indexed in EUR.

You just need to decide for the amount that suits the most your financial needs. Repayment period for Short Term Loan in EUR is up to 36 months.

After the approval, the loan amount will be deposited on your current account.



  • Client is registered in Serbia
  • The client conducts its core business for a minimum of two years
  • Package Account Pro Standard, Pro Gold or Pro prestige opened in UniCredit Bank
  • In case of entrepreneurs who maintain account ledgers, a positive business result for previous two years is necessary
  • All tax liabilities have been settled and paid
  • The owner is not younger than 22 or older than 65 years of age at the moment of repayment of last installment
  • Company’s account was frozen for maximum of 15 days


For all additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us via our Info telephone 011/3 777-888 or visit one of our branch offices throughout Serbia.

Important notice:

  • UniCredit Bank clients are able to refinance their consumer loans with dinar loans or loans indexed in EUR, without charging one time fee.
  • If you would like to get acquainted with the banking terminology in order to understand better our products and services, please visit official web site of National Bank of Serbia on the following link: www.tvojnovac.nbs.rs



Short Term Loan in RSD




You are an entrepreneur and you need an urgent financial support on a short period?

UniCredit Bank has a right solution for you, Short Term Loan in RSD.

This loan is approved on a repayment period of up to 36 months, and you just need to decide about the amount of the loan which goes from RSD 240,000 up to RSD 36,000,000.

After the approval, the loan amount will be deposited on your current account.



  • Client is registered in Serbia
  • The client conducts its core business for a minimum of two years
  • Package Account Pro Standar, Pro Gold or Pro Prestige opened in UniCredit Bank
  • In case that entrepreneur maintains account ledgers, a positive business result for the previous two years
  • All tax liabilities have been settled and paid.
  • Company’s account was frozen for maximum of 15 days
  • The owner is not younger than 22 or older than 65 years of age at the moment of repayment of last installment



For all additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us via our Info telephone 011/3 777-888 or visit one of our branch offices throughout Serbia.

Important notice:

  • If you would like to get acquainted with the banking terminology in order to understand better our products and services, please visit official web site of National Bank of Serbia on the following link: www.tvojnovac.nbs.rs
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