Custody is one of the key areas for UniCredit Bank Serbia JSC, as well as for the UniCredit Banking Group.
The subsidiaries of the UniCredit Banking Group currently offer securities services in 11 countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia).
Through the Vienna entity, a few additional CEE markets are also accessible.
UniCredit Bank Serbia JSC is the market leader in service providers with its more than 10 years of experience in the custody business and with its significant customer portfolio.
Accordingly, UniCredit Bank Serbia JSC is recognized as the bank offering the best quality services on the basis of professional awards won over the years, as well as on the basis of feedbacks from our Customers.
In 2017, the Bank four times in a row won the “Best Subcustodian Bank in Serbia” awarded by Global Finance magazine.
Since UniCredit Bank Serbia started providing custodian services, the Bank has paid particular attention to both domestic and foreign Customers, as a result of which it has a wide customer base, which is a key success factor to a long-term market presence.
As a market-leader in custody business, we provide full range of global securities services consisting of the followings:
- Settlement services for transactions concluded on the Belgrade Stock Exchange and in the Serbian OTC market, as well as at international exchanges
- Securities safekeeping
- Proxy voting services and other corporate actions services
- Collection of dividends and interests
- Tax representation services
- Net asset value calculation control for domestic and voluntary pension funds on a daily basis, monitoring of statutory limits and the limits set up in individual investment policies and other related services